例如: 1.He didn't answer me, instead, he asked me another question → He asked me another question inst

您所在的位置:网站首页 可以只用not only吗 例如: 1.He didn't answer me, instead, he asked me another question → He asked me another question inst

例如: 1.He didn't answer me, instead, he asked me another question → He asked me another question inst

2023-03-15 04:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

   例如: 1.He didn't answer me, instead, he asked me another question → He asked me another question instead of answering me.

2.I'll of instead of her.→She won't go.I'll go instead

Lesson 81

反身代词:单数:myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself

      复数:ourselves, yourselves, themselves

反身代词与enjoy, help, hurt, teach, wash ,look after等动词连用

hurt oneself 弄伤自己    teach oneself=learn all by oneself 自学  

a photo of …… ……的照片

fall off = fall down from 从……摔下来,掉下来 Lily is falling off her bike.

I didn’t know she could swim. Could she swim when she was four years old?主从句时态要一致

Find out 找出        play the piano 弹钢琴

hope to do sth. 希望做某事 如:I hope to become a teacher in the future.

hope + that从句 如: I hope she didn’t hurt herself.

Lesson 82

in a street 在街上

hear/ see/ watch/find sb. do sth. 听见/看见/观察到/发现某人做某事  How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it!

hear/ see/ watch/find sb. doing sth. 听见/看见/观察到/发现某人正在做某事He heard someone playing his Sonata in F.

wish sb. +名词/形容词 如:I wish you a happy Children’s Day.

wish to do sth.(可以用hope替换) 如:I wish to have my own computer.

wish sb. to do sth.(不能用hope) 如:I wish you to come to my party next Sunday.

Wish + that从句(从句用过去时态表示现在的意思,表示难以实现或不能实现的愿望)如:

How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it!  I wish I could fly.

afford (have enough money to do sth.): afford sth. 如:We can’t afford this house.

             afford to do sth.如:We can’t afford to buy the tickets to the tickets.

say sth. for fun 说着玩的,开玩笑的  I just said it for fun.

knock on/at the door 敲门(动词)  a knock on/at the door

in the dim candle night  在微弱的烛光下

pardon me = excuse me   I beg your pardon(让对方重复所说的话时可以用这句话)

to one’s surprise  令某人惊讶的是(surprise没有变化)

blind n./ adj. 瞎子/失明的  He found the girl was blind/a blind.    

deaf  n./adj. 聋子/耳聋的    silent adj. 安静的 silently adv.安静地

by ear 靠耳朵(不能用复数ears)   by eye  靠眼睛

shine-shone  v. 照射,照耀     through the window  通过窗户

look up  1)向上面望去,抬头看  He looked up to the sky for a while. 2)查字典  如:look up the new words in the dictionary

say to oneself  自言自语         bright adj. 明亮的;brightly adv. 明亮地

lose oneself in = be lost in 陶醉于,沉浸于  They lost themselves in the beautiful music. = They were lost in the beautiful music.  

all night = the whole night 整个晚上   

all the + 可数名词单数:all the story = the whole story

all the + 可数名词复数:all the people = the whole people

the whole  + 可数名词单数/ + 可数名词复数

He worked all night writing down the whole music. 其中writing down the whole music现在分词短语作伴随状语,又如:They were on their way to the picnic, laughing and singing.

music 不可数名词,a piece of music一首音乐

Lesson 83

buy oneself sth. 给自己买东西 如:I can buy myself lots of nice things.

enjoy oneself 玩得高兴     go on a trip 去旅游

come along 一起去 如: Would you like to come along?

at work 在上班        look after oneself  照顾自己

not……until…… 直到……才  如:I can’t go out until my mother returns.

Have a nice weekend with your brother.祝你和你弟弟周末愉快。

Lesson 84

并列句:由并列连词(and, but等)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起的句子。例如:

It’s getting late, and we have to get up early in the morning.

They bought her a present, and she like it very much.

I’m poor, but I always enjoy myself.

would like + sth. 相当于want sth.,但would like sth,语气更为委婉, 如:Would you like a drink?

would like to do sth. 如: Would you like to come along?

Can we do anything to help? 我们能帮什么忙吗?

I’m afraid so.=I’m afraid we have to leave now. 我恐怕是这样。(so代替上文提到的整个句子)

Leave sth. behind 把……遗忘了 如:Don’t leave anything behind.

It’s getting late. 天色渐晚了。

It’s time for sb. to do sth. 该某人做某事了。 如: It’s time for us to leave now.

help oneself to sth. 自己随便吃,喝……

turn on the radio 打开收音机   turn off the radio 关掉收音机(turn on/ off 指打开/关掉有电源的电器等,open/close 指打开/关窗户、门等。

a thank-you note 感谢信

Lesson 85

The 100-meter race 注意这里的100和meter之间使用了连字符 使100-meter变成了形容词。

本课强调的是副词的比较级,形容词和副词在使用比较级和最最高级的时候区别不大,关键是要学会区别形容词和副词。一般来说,形容词修饰名词,通常用来做定语副词修饰动词、形容词、副词甚至句子通常用来做状语。比如本课中的run fast, jump far中的第二词都是副词。由于是单音节,直接在其后加er。

Who was first? 这里的first前无须加定冠词。个人觉得可以加the,但不加明显要更加地道。

Which sport are you in today?


I’m not doing anything. 也可以说 I’m doing nothing. 使用时完全凭个人喜欢。

Fell and hurt my neck last week 这里的fell和hurt都是过去式,这里的hurt原形和过去式相同,千万不要误会。此外,伤着哪个部位,可以用sb. hurt(s) +one’s+部位。

Thanks for asking这里的for引出原因,由于本身是介词后面接上名词或相当于名词的词。

Hold a sports meeting. 举行运动会 sport用来做定语的时候,常在其后加s。

Take a(n) (active) part in参加 relay race

Stood at the starting line 这里的介词at要注意 Starting做定语 什么线?起跑线。

Get ready to do sth. 准备做什么事情 例如:All the runners geo ready to run.

Shout loudly 大声叫喊 loudly副词

In front 在前方 这个介词短语非常有用,注意介词短语常用来做,定语,状语,补语,表语。

At the end of the first lap.这里的介词at是受到了the end的影响。实际上,在和lap一块使用的介词应该时on,比如:on the third lap

Pass on sth. To sb. 或 pass sth. on to sb. 注意这里的sth. 如果时人称代词,一定要使用第二种情况,否则两种用法完全凭个人喜欢。

At the same time 注意介词at

They were both in first place. In first place.注意这里的介词in以及first前面没有the。此外,both一般用在be动词后。

They were still neck and neck. 副词常用于be动词之后。记住neck and neck的意思

The other runners were not far behind. The other runners 相当于the others,be behind 落后 加上far表示强调:落后地很远

Drop sth. + 介词 +some place 这里的介词决定于some place 比如,在地面上我们常常使用介词on,on the ground.

As+adv./adj.+as 可以用于表语,状语 比如:He ran as fast as Lintao. 整体做状语,否定式需要使用助动词来否定,如didn’t run; Lucy is as tall as Lily. 否定式将not放在be动词之后。

Catch up with 用with引出“赶上”的对象

Lesson 87

stop to do sth. 停下正在做的事情,然后做另一件事情。比如:He stopped to get it and of course fell behind。 同时这里的fall behind表示落后的意思

She was catching up fast, but not fast enough. Fast为副词 注意这里的catching up采用了现在进行时,没有使用到with是因为没有强调到底要赶上谁,仅仅表达“赶上”的意思而已。

Lesson 88

Who won the girl’s 400 metres 这里表示的won使用的是win的过去式。表示动作已经发生。即赢得比赛的这个事情已经发生了。

Congratulation 后面常常接to来表示恭喜的对象,用on来表示就什么方面而恭喜(即为了什么而恭喜)。

Lesson 89

a famous person 一个著名的人(person 可数名词,people指“人们”,复数名词,没有单数;但指“民族”时,为可数名词)

in the living room 在起居室

It’s written by Bill Gates. 这是比尔盖茨写的(be written 被动语态:be +动词的过去分词)

It tells us how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways.宾语从句用陈述语序。其中,solve business problems “解决商业难题“;in new ways “以新的方式”

I don’t think you’ll like it. 我认为你将不会喜欢它。

best-seller 畅销书,畅销货       New York Times 纽约时报

It seems to be an interesting book. 这好象是一本有趣的书。(seem to do sth.)

be interested in ……(主语是sb.)  对…感兴趣 如:Some of my classmates are interested in Bill Gates.

I’m sure you’ll like it.我敢肯定你将会喜欢它。

Lesson 90

be named…… after…… 以…命名 如:Bill Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather

in the future 将来     large-larger-largest   usual(通常的,平常的)---unusual(不寻常的)

Sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth. 如:He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things.

Sb. spend some time/money on sth. 如:I spent 50 yuan on this book.

Sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth. 可以和It takes sb some time/money to do sth. 互相转换,但记住,spend 的主语是sb., 后面接动词-ing;而take 的主语是it(形式主语,真正的主语为后面的to do sth.), 后面接动词不定式

in the end =at last 最后,最终     work out 制订出,算出, 如:work out a software program制订出一个软件程序; work out a maths problem算出数学题

sell sth. for money 把……卖了多少钱 如:Bill sold it for 4200 dollars.

buy sth. for money 买……花了多少钱 如:Mr. Brown bought his car for 20,000 yuan.

develop  vt.发展,研发(过去式developed) 

developing adj. 发展中的, 如:China is a developing country.     

developed adj.发达的 如:The USA is a developed country.

improve vt. (make sth better )提高,改善

Lesson 91

I’m not sure.我不太肯定。

be sure of sth. 如:I’m sure of my little dog’s death.

be sure to do sth. 如:Be quick! I’m sure to be late again!

be sure + that 从句 (其中that 可以省略)如:I’m sure he’ll be pleased if you buy him a Liverpool T-shirt.

be not sure + 疑问代词/副词 + to do sth. 如:I’m not sure what to buy him.  I’m not sure where to go.

be not sure +疑问句(由疑问词what, when, where等或if “是否”连接的)  如:I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.  I’m not sure what I can buy for him.

plan to do sth. 计划,打算做某事 如:Do you plan to get Dad a present?

be pleased to do sth. 高兴做某事  be pleased with sth. 对……很高兴,满意(主语都是sb.)

hundred, thousand, million, billion等词前如果有具体的数字时,不能加s, 如:8 million people,后面也没有of;而hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, billions of 表示“许许多多的”,如:It kills millions of people every year.

decide to do sth. 决定做某事  如:Bill Gated decided to buy the medicine for them.

give away 捐赠 如:He gave away 21 billion dollars.

Lucky(幸运的)-----unlucky( 不幸运的) 如:I am a very lucky man.  The people in poor countries are very unlucky.

Lesson 92

“也”: 肯定句或疑问句用too, 一般放在句末,如:I like watching TV. My mother likes watching TV, too. Too有时可以放在句中,但前后要用逗号分开,如:We have a big house. They, too, have a big house.

否定句中用either, 放在句末,如:I’m not sure, either.

also放在be 动词后,行为动词/情态动词后, 如:Mark Twain was a great American writer, he was also a famous speaker.  He also liked to play jokes on his friends.

What size does she wear?她穿几码的?size 不能用how many 来修饰

What color does she like?她喜欢什么颜色?

How about this green one?这件绿色的怎么样?

It’s very popular this year?今年非常流行这个。

Almost adv.几乎, 如:She’s almost as tall as the woman over there.

Play a joke/jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人 (被动语态为a joke is played on sb.)如:He also liked to play jokes on his friends.

A friend of his, 其中his 为名词性物主代词,相当于his friends, 又如:a friend of Lily’s

Have enough money to do sth有足够的钱来做某事,如:I don’t have enough money to buy two tickets.

Hide under the seat 藏在位子底下  hide---hid(过去式)

Check the tickets 查票    sit on the seat 坐在位子上

Lie on the floor 躺在地上(lie 不及物动词,“躺,卧”,过去式lay; 而lay“下蛋”为及物动词,过去式laid)

Give a lecture 演讲,发言

Lesson 93

The students are drawing some pictures on the blackboard.


try to do 表示“努力做某事”而try doing 表示“试着做某事”如

He tried to work out the problem.


Why don’t you try changing a way?


本文中使用了try to do 的现在进行时,要注意这一点变化。

You must work harder.这里的hard是副词,比较级形式也是简单的加上er就可以了。这里要注意的是must表示必须,表示主观上的要求。此外,我们说工作努力,常用work hard, 千万不可使用you are hard.

Get on well with

It’s quite a nice elephant.





④Quite a good book, a very good book.相当好的一本书;非常好的一本书.

Do you neighbors ever do anything that disturbs you? 注意这里的that由于在anything的后面,只能只用that,这里是个定语从句。强记下来即可。

In the city of Moscow在某个城市里 我们可以用in the city of +城市名,简单点也可以使用in+城市名+city。

He could see the park from his window. 注意介词短语中的from。

The man upstairs/downstairs upstairs/downstairs 做后置定语 哪里的人?楼上(下)的人

Take off 这里表示“脱衣”,还可以表示“起飞”

One…the other one 常用于指代两者。

He found it very difficult to sleep.注意这里的不定式才是真正的宾语,it是形式宾语(这点比较难把握,强记即可)。注意这里的it后面没有任何的be动词。将本句稍微改变一下,注意区别:It was very difficult to sleep. 这里的不定式是真正的主语,但是it却是形式宾语。建议直接记下来。

Rather 相当 程度副词 修饰形容词

Be angry with sb.

Decide to do sth.注意这里使用了不定式

Go upstairs.注意这里的upstais是副词,就好像我们回家用go home一样。

Knock at/on

With a smile 使用with 常用作伴随状语

I’m sorry to trouble you.表示情感的形容词后常接不定式表示原因,因为什么抱歉?因为打扰你抱歉。再如:I am glad to see that.

Would you please not do this. 注意这里的not和do之间没有不定式to,因为这里的do受到了would的影响要使用到原形。

The next evening 注意当表示时间而使用到the next的时候,往往前面无须加介词。

下班归来 come home from work 注意这里的介词from。

As usual如往常一样

注意threw sth. on someplace和throw about的区别。

Put sth. +介词+地点 把什么东西放在什么地方 比如:put it under the bed.


He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.

Just…when 就在这时 注意这里的when 的含义 此外,这里的knock是名词,所以前面使用到了形容词loud,而在后面仍然使用到了介词at(当然也可以使用到on)这点要注意。

Get to 我们常用这个短语表示到达某地,相当与arrive at 或reach了,在本课中却后接不定式,可以这样理解:渐渐处于某种状态。不如:I can’t get to sleep.

Lesson 95


Lesson 96


Be killed 被杀(被动语态)kill 杀人(主动语态) 能够使用被动语态的一般都是及物动词或者及物词组。目前建议记住这种形式就行了。

Be fed up with

Borrow from 借进 lend to借出

Return相当于归还 注意在使用return的时候,不管是表示“归来“,还是“归还”都不能加back。

Go to do sth. 去做什么事情。

We’ll be working all day in the garden.


If so中这里的so代表前文中出现的情况(是哪一句呢?)。

Unit 25

Lesson 97

Play the piano 弹钢琴  watch a video tape/ video tapes看录相片  Make a dress 做衣服   make a sweater 打毛衣  ride a motorbike 骑摩托车    write /keep a diary 写日记,记日记

Review lessons 复习功课(revision 名词, “复习”)    learn Russian  学习俄语

Russia  n.俄国;  Russian n. 俄语, 俄罗斯人 (复数Russians)  / adj. 俄国的, 俄罗斯人的

过去进行时的一般疑问句:把be 动词was/were 提前,第一人称一般要改为第二人称, 例如:

I was playing piano last night?     Were you playing piano last night? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.

Lin Tao was watching video tapes last night.   Was Lin Tao watching video tapes last night? Yes, he was. /No, he wasn’t.

Wei Hua was making a dress last night.   Was Wei Hua making a dress last night? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.

Were your parents reviewing lessons last night?   Were your parents reviewing lessons last night? Yes, they were. /No, they weren’t.

the Blacks 布莱克一家 ,英语中,the + 姓s, 表示这个姓的一家人,又如:the Greens 格林一家, 作主语时,谓语用复数

forget the time 忘记了时间        listen to the radio 听收音机 

read a novel 读小说(novel可数名词)    play computer games 玩电脑游戏

help sb.(to) do sth. 如:help my father mend his car

have a little accident 有一场小事故    ride along the road 沿着马路骑车

play with sb. 和某人一起玩,如:She was playing with her baby when I saw her.

Walk with sb. 和某人一起走, 如Tom found a purse on the ground when he was walking with his classmate on their back home.

Walk past 走过, 路过           see it happen看见它发生

You’d better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can.如果可以的话,你今晚最好早点睡。(had better+动词原形do( 否定not do)

Pick sth. up  把……捡起来(代词放在中间,名词中间/其后都可以) 如:Your book is on the floor. Please pick it up.     She picked the purse up (picked up the purse) and gave it to me.

When 连接时间状语从局,表示“当……时候”,有两种用法:第一,表示某个动作发生的过程中(用一般过去时),某个动作正在进行(用过去进行时态)。如:When it rained heavily, we were playing football on the playground.  When the teacher came into the classroom, Li Lei was drawing an elephant on the blackboard.

第二,表示某个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了。如:My wallet dropped on the ground when I was walking in the park.  A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.

Lesson 98

What do you think often causes traffic accidents? 其中,do you think 作为插入语,可以省略,cause 及物动词:make sth. happen 导致,引起; traffic accidents 交通事故

Leave school 放学回家,中学毕业,如:The children were leaving school on Tuesday when they saw a truck.   After I leave school, I want to learn Chinese medicine in the university.

Leave the school 离开这所学校  如:Tom’s parents were too poor, so this term Tom had to leave the school.

Come round the corner 转弯         sudden(adj.)突然的-----suddenly(adv.)突然

It landed right in the middle of the road. 其中,right 副词,“正好,恰好”;in the middle of 在……中间

Shout to sb.朝某人大喊大叫(以便对方听到),如:The children shouted to the driver, but he didn’t hear them.

Shout at sb.冲某人大喊大叫(常含有不礼貌之意,吵架时经常用到), 如: Don’t shout at the boy. He is only a five-year-old child.

Let’s move the bag, or it may cause an accident. 其中,or 连词,“否则”,可以用if 来转换,If we don’t move the bag, it may cause an accident.  cause an accident 引起事故

The sound of ……  ……的声音,如:The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motorbike.

The man on the motorbike   骑摩托车的人

He didn’t see the bag until it was too late. 直到他看见米袋时,已经太迟了。

Luckily 副词,“幸运的是”,作状语,如:Luckily, the man was not badly hurt.幸运的是,这个男人没怎么受伤。

Be badly hurt,伤得很重, hurt 为过去分词,用作形容词;be a little hurt 伤得很轻

Stop the traffic 阻拦车辆   let the traffic go 放行车辆(let后面接动词原形)

It’s really nice of you. 你们真好啊。

It’s + 形容词+ of sb. +to do sth. “某人做某事怎么样”,其中,形容词修饰的是sb., 说明这个人怎么样,比如:It’s nice of you to help me with my English.你能帮我学英语真是太好了。

而It’s + 形容词+ for sb. +to do sth. “做某事对于某人来说怎么样”,其中,形容词修饰的是后面的to do sth. 比如:It’s very important for us to learn English well.对于我们来说学好英语很重要。

Don’t mention it. = Not at all. /You’ re welcome. / That’s all right.  不用谢。

Crowd round 围着……  crowd 动词,“拥着,挤着”, 名词“围观的人”; crowded 形容词 “拥挤的,人多的”

Move sth. out of some place 把……搬出某地, 如:I’ll go with Lin Tao to move the bag out of the road.

Move sth away 把……搬开,搬走 如:After they moved the bag away, the girls let the traffic go again.

As quickly as sb. can/ could =as quickly as  possible 尽快地, 如:As quickly as she could, Miss Zhao got a medicine box. 赵老师尽快地拿了一个医药箱。

As+ 形容词+名词/副词+ as sb can/ could, 尽……,如:

If you want to improve your speaking English, you should speak English as much as you can. 你如果想要提高英语口语的话,必须要尽多地练习口语。

We should remember as many English words as we can.我们必须要尽可能多地记英语单词。

Hurry up =be quick 赶快,赶紧, 如:Please hurry up, or we’ll be late!

而 hurry off匆匆离去,hurry off to do sth. 如:With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.腋下夹着个医药箱,赵老师匆匆忙忙地去照顾那个人。

With the medicine box under her arm作为伴随状语,英语中这个结构很常见:with+ 名词+介词短语,又如: The teacher came in the classroom, with some books in his hand.老师走进了教室,手上拿了几本书。

有时候还可以用这个结构或者“with + 名词”来修饰名词,比如:a chair with three legs 一把三条腿的椅子   I like Chinese tea without anything in it.我喜欢什么也不加的中国茶。

Lesson 99

The ending of the story 故事的结尾

Lesson 100

While 也有两种用法,第一表示某一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了。如课文中第二部分的句子:While we were talking, the teacher came in.  While Jim was repairing his bike, Lin Tao came to see him.  这种用法中,我们可以用when 来代替while

第二,表示两个动作同时进行当中,比如:While Jim was running, Tom was swimming.

While some students were stopping the traffic, the boys were carrying the man to the gatekeeper’s house.

记住,while 后面引导的从句一定要用进行时态,主句不一定非要用进行时态。

A 38-year-old woman 一个38岁的妇女,其中,38-year-old 为形容词修饰名词, 如果没有连字符号的话,这个词组只能作为表语,放在系动词后,如:The woman is 38years old.

英语中类似的词组还有很多, 如:100-meter race   100米赛跑

turn the steering wheel 转动方向盘

She couldn’t stop her own car.其中,own 表示“某人自己的”,后面加名词;own 还可以作为动词,相当于have “拥有”, 如:She owns a big house.

At once = right now立刻,马上      

mouth-to-mouth breathing 人工呼吸(mouth-to-mouth作为形容词,修饰名词,而mouth to mouth作为副词短语,“嘴对嘴的”

come to oneself 苏醒过来,活过来 ,如:Soon the lady came to herself.不久后,那个妇女醒了过来。

Lesson 101

Be robbed 被抢劫(被动语态)

Hard-working 工作努力的(相容词)

One afternoon 前面不需要加任何介词

Set off 离开,出发

Lesson 102

On its first trip首航 注意这里的介词,这个介词短语做状语。

At that time 在那时

Over 2000 people 这里的over表示超过 也可使用more than

Here and there 相当于 everywhere

Suddenly the man on watch shouted.

On watch 介词短语做定语,什么人?值守的人。

The ship hit the iceberg and came to a stop.

注意hit的过去式和原形形式一样。 此外,之所以使用come to a stop而不使用stopped,因为前者更强调过程。该处应该属于语言使用方面的技巧问题。

A big hole in the ship注意这里的介词in

Come inside 进入到里面 这里的inside是副词,当然也可以用副词in来代替,但效果不太好。

Women and children were the first to get into the lifeboats.

这里的不定式可以理解为不定式,the first可以理解为第一批人,什么第一批人?第一批上上船的人。注意这里的使用了一个动态介词into,当然get一词的用法也应当注意。这个句子很好,建议强记下来。

Make room for sb. 这里的room表示空间,为不可数名词。

I must go with them. 这里的with引导了一个伴随状语

There no more room here. 没有其他位置了。 这句话强记下来,但应当注意no more的用法。

Shout back 回喊 注意这里副词back对动词shout的影响

Stand up 和get up的意思不一样

结婚 be married 否定是直接在be动词后面加上一个not

Get out 出来 从哪里出来还可以在后面加上一个of引出地点

Take one’s place 代替某人的位置

Thankful 形容词 感激的 如:the thankful mother 这位充满感激的母亲

Lose one’s life 这里的life是可数名词,其复数形式为lives

Among those was the young woman.

该句使用了倒装语序,建议强记。此外注意它语正常语序的不同,正常语序为:the young woman was among those.

She was going home to Boston.


句中使用了be going to+地点 由于home是副词,可以直接在放在动词的后面。该句使用得很灵活,建议强记。

Nobody knew more about her than that.


Lesson 103

It’s hard to say because I like many films.

Hard 这里相当于difficult的意思,但注意了并不是完全对等的关系,因为hard还有其他的含义。


It’s terrible to see the ship sinking into the sea.

该简单句有好几个知识点1)It’s + adj.+ to do sth. 2) see sb./sth. doing sth. 3)sink into(注意go down into)

There were not enough lifeboats and the ship arrived too late to save more people.


Too + adj.+ to do sth.注意这个用法,往往带有否定的含义,以至于隐约出现了no more的结构。

It’s your turn to tell me your favourite film.

It’s one’s turn (to do sth.)轮到某人(做某事)

People found the ship 4000 meters under the sea.

该简单句中find使用了宾语(the ship)和宾语补足语(4000 meters under the sea.)

Lesson 104

What’s another way of saying bike.


Ask you stay in bed for a day or two.

本句中的stay in bed要注意以及一两天用for来引出,当然 a day or tow 要注意。也可以说one or two days. one or two days 在书面语里用得多,而a day or two比较口语化.

注意记住用法:Have an accident和have a little accident

Rest one’s + 人体部位

Two-day sick leave/two days’ sick leave 后者较前者常用。

Our home is as cold as an icebox.

As cold(adj.)as 用于了表语。

All around 周围 We see only snow and ice all around.四周只能看到冰雪。

It has the colours of the sky.


All the time 我们可以将the sun shines all the time改为 the sun always shines.当然后者在意思上没有前者表达那么好。

Then comes our winter.该倒装句注意它的原序句:our winter comes then.

We get them from the sea.这里要注意from的用法。

Most of the time we live on the water.

这里要注意的是most of the time 大多数时间 不要将time前的定冠词去掉了。此外,介词on要注意。

Jay lays two eggs. 注意lay的用法。

How fat and pretty she looks!

I jump up and stand on my toes.

副词up影响动词jump表明是向上跳的,注意jump high是跳高的含义,后面的stand on my toes要注意其含义。

I hold my head high in the air.

Hold动词(谓语) my head名词(宾语) in the air 介词短语(宾语补足语)

Some of them are called humans.

注意这里 be called的用法,要学会套用。

Funny 记得双写n

They come and go in big birds called planes.

Come and go来去

这里要注意in的用法,一般我们不会使用到in a bird(s),这里用了暗喻,说明这里的bird实际上就是飞机。

We can show you many things.

Show sb. sth.把什么东西给某人看

Then you will know why we love our icebox land.





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